Monday, November 22, 2010

The Candidate Bill of Rights

Last week we touched on recruiters and hiring managers, and what exactly makes (or doesn’t make) for a good job candidate experience.

On that same note, recently partnered with Monster to host RecruitFest. We liked Gerry Crispin’s ideas about the importance of the job candidate’s experience.

Crispin stresses reliance on underlying principles as guidelines for creating hiring processes. His 10 Employer Promises for Delivering a World-Class Candidate Experience include consideration – for example, thanking all applicants for their interest, regardless of qualifications, and following up with each and every applicant – and transparency – for example, providing actual contact information in all open posted positions, and screening candidates in order to stop unqualified candidates from wasting their time completing the entire application.

What benefits do we see in spending the time, money, and effort to create this quality experience? Both employer and candidate experiences are crucial to our success as a staffing solutions provider. By being honest with and taking the extra steps to properly screen candidates, we don’t just save job applicants time; we save ourselves time in the long run. Our applicants per job may be fewer, but we’re able to provide more targeted matches for employers.

Finally, whether we’re recruiters, employers, or job-seekers, we’re all job candidates at different points throughout our lives. We should strive to provide others with the type of application and interview processes we appreciate ourselves.

What sort of considerations do you appreciate as a candidate for employment?

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